02 historia
Comenzamos con pequeños proyectos, particularmente de vivienda y retail, desarrollando encargos particulares dentro y fuera de Santiago. Con el tiempo y gracias a una participación activa en concursos públicos de arquitectura y asociaciones estratégicas con otros despachos, hemos logrado desarrollar proyectos de mayor escala e interés. Destacan el edificio Extension de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño de la Universidad Diego Portales (2016), seleccionado en la muestra “Invierno: imágenes de la arquitectura chilena contemporánea”, el conjunto inmobiliario Chagual en Papudo (2019) y la reciente adjudicación de la Universidad de Aysen en Coyhaique (2020). Hemos expuesto nuestra obra dentro y fuera de Chile, destacando la conferencia en Zagreb, Croacia, en el marco "Chilean days of Oris", representando la arquitectura contemporánea chilena (2019).
02 historia
Comenzamos con pequeños proyectos, particularmente de vivienda y retail, desarrollando encargos particulares dentro y fuera de Santiago. Con el tiempo y gracias a una participación activa en concursos públicos de arquitectura y asociaciones estratégicas con otros despachos, hemos logrado desarrollar proyectos de mayor escala e interés. Destacan el edificio Extension de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño de la Universidad Diego Portales (2016), seleccionado en la muestra “Invierno: imágenes de la arquitectura chilena contemporánea”, el conjunto inmobiliario Chagual en Papudo (2019) y la reciente adjudicación de la Universidad de Aysen en Coyhaique (2020). Hemos expuesto nuestra obra dentro y fuera de Chile, destacando la conferencia en Zagreb, Croacia, en el marco "Chilean days of Oris", representando la arquitectura contemporánea chilena (2019).
02 historia
Comenzamos con pequeños proyectos, particularmente de vivienda y retail, desarrollando encargos particulares dentro y fuera de Santiago. Con el tiempo y gracias a una participación activa en concursos públicos de arquitectura y asociaciones estratégicas con otros despachos, hemos logrado desarrollar proyectos de mayor escala e interés. Destacan el edificio Extension de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño de la Universidad Diego Portales (2016), seleccionado en la muestra “Invierno: imágenes de la arquitectura chilena contemporánea”, el conjunto inmobiliario Chagual en Papudo (2019) y la reciente adjudicación de la Universidad de Aysen en Coyhaique (2020). Hemos expuesto nuestra obra dentro y fuera de Chile, destacando la conferencia en Zagreb, Croacia, en el marco "Chilean days of Oris", representando la arquitectura contemporánea chilena (2019).
01 contacto
Si tienes alguna duda, consulta, solicitud de prácticas o simplemente quieres saludar, ponte en contacto a través de nuestro formulario o escríbenos directamente a

OF Arquitectos is an internationally recognized architecture studio. It was founded by Francisco Cepeda and Alvaro Ramírez in Santiago de Chile in 2010.
We are deeply passionate about what we do, we have designed residential buildings, museums, universities, offices, houses and public projects.
02 story
We started with small projects, particularly housing and retail, developing commissions inside and outside of Santiago. Over time and thanks to active participation in public architecture competitions and strategic partnerships with other offices, we have managed to develop projects of greater scale and interest. The Extension building of the Faculty of Architecture, Art and Design of the Diego Portales University (2016), selected in the exhibition "Winter: images of contemporary Chilean architecture", the Chagual real estate complex in Papudo (2019) and the recent award from the Aysen University in Coyhaique (2020). We have exhibited our work inside and outside Chile, highlighting the conference in Zagreb, Croatia, in the framework of "Chilean days of Oris", representing contemporary Chilean architecture (2019).
03 our vision
We currently develop all our projects under BIM (Building Information Modelling) methodologies, with a focus on the client and the complete life cycle of buildings, with a strong commitment to education and the push towards a digital transformation of the sector. In parallel to our professional practice, we both maintain a strong commitment to teaching, giving workshop courses at the main universities in Chile.

He has PhD(c) in Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain; Graduated with the highest distinction from the Central University of Chile; 15 years of experience in project development and 10 years in university teaching.
Between 2003 and 2005 he worked as a collaborator and associate architect in the office of Mirene Elton and Mauricio Leniz. In Barcelona (2006-2009), he collaborates as an architect in PGA, an office dedicated to hotel projects and office buildings, including the MediaPro Tower at 22@ in Barcelona, together with the architect Carlos Ferrater. In the field of Teaching and Research he has been professor at the University of Talca, Universidad Mayor, Universidad Diego Portales and assisted as guest professor in workshops at the Catholic University and Universidad Andrés Bello. In 2009 he obtained research sufficiency with the Doctoral Thesis project "Las casas de Jorge Elton; despliegue y disciplina de la forma", in the Department of "Architectural Projects" of the ETSAB. Exhibits in the 3rd Seminar Docomomo Chile, Modern Heritage and City. In 2010 he founded OF Arquitectos.

He is an architect by the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Chile graduating with maximum distinction and Bachelor in Social Sciences of the same university.
From 2003 to 2005 he worked as a collaborating architect in the office Elton+Leniz arquitectos. At the end of 2005 he formed 'Ramirez-Moletto arquitectos asociados' where he carried out important projects, among them the Universidad Andrés Bello Concepción headquarters. He has also participated in different national and international competitions, standing out 1st place in the 1st Biennial of the South, architecture category, among other prizes. He has also collaborated in international competitions with the architect Mathias Klotz. He has been a professor at the Universidad Mayor, Universidad de Chile and is currently a professor at the Universidad Diego Portales. He has also been invited, as a visiting professor, to different universities including CEDIM in Monterrey - Mexico.
collaborators and associates
MSRAA, Más Fernandez, Elton+Leniz, MCR+JAG, Alberto Moletto, Cavagnaro Rojo, DEMO, Pasiva
Sebastian Cifuentes, Carlos Caro, Cristobal Noguera, Nicolas Cabargas, Cristian Fraser, Paula Comments, Javier Perez, Gema Lopez, Martin Valdivieso, Miriam Fuster, Antonia Peña, Alvaro Puertas, Sofía Valdivieso, Nicolas Vivanco, Natalia Rodriguez, Paula Galí, Veronica Celis, Rodolfo Duarte, Camila Alvial, Katherine Kirsten.